CDRFI Support under the Global Shield Programme for
Resilient Risk Pools (GSRRP)

You are a Sovereign Regional Risk Pool and would like to apply for financial support for CDRFI Solutions.

The GSSP provides CDRFI support programmes tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of Regional Risk Pools.







What GSSP offers

The GSRRP offers a single access route to pooled funding that Regional Risk Pools can access directly and according to their own needs.

GSSP offers a range of interventions for Regional Risk Pools to access individually or jointly, to leverage synergies and efficiencies. The following interventions under three Components are offered.

Please note: Implementation Support including premium support will not be offered within this Call for Requests for CDRFI support.


Eligible to submit Request for Support under the Global Shield Programme for Resilient Risk Pools are the below Regional Risk Pools:

The Regional Risk Pools are invited to file individual as well as joint Requests for CDRFI support. Joint Requests shall facilitate the operationalisation of their Sovereign Risk Pools Memorandum of Understanding.

Request for GSRRP Support

Submit a Request for CDRFI Support to

Deadline: Closed

All documents relevant for the application process and further guiding documents are published here.


GSSP Support for Regional Risk Pools fosters greater financial protection and faster and more reliable disaster preparedness and response. Regional Risk Pools are collaborative initiatives among countries that offer parametric insurance products to help them access quick financial resources in the event of disasters. They provide cost-efficient insurance coverage through pooling and diversifying risks. They also enhance risk management through standardised risk analysis, local delivery mechanisms, and integration with overall risk management policies. In short, Regional Risk Pools present a compelling value proposition for countries, offering a unique blend of benefits that extend far beyond traditional insurance coverage.







Our Mission

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Our Team

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Annette Detken

Head of GSSP

Karsten Loeffler

Co-Head of GSSP

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Salena Smith

CEO & Founder

Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam

Salena Smith

CEO & Founder

Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam

Salena Smith

CEO & Founder