Inclusive In-Country Process
Countries planning to request CDRFI Support under the Global Shield will engage in an inclusive In-Country Process (ICP) in collaboration with the Global Shield Secretariat. This ICP aims to facilitate greater understanding and country ownership for the potential role of different CDRFI interventions and instruments to address identified gaps.
Following the country consultations and stocktaking of CDRFI activities, a Gap and Vulnerability Analysis will be conducted to assess the country’s financial protection gaps and thus identify the support needed.
Country consultations, a stocktaking of CDRFI activities, and a Gap and Vulnerability Analysis are a prerequisite and central component of a CDRFI Request. The Request for CDRFI Support is submitted to the Global Shield via the Global Shield Secretariat.
The Global Shield Secretariat, building on consultations within the Coordination Hub and the Financing Structure, will revert to the In-Country Coordination with a proposal outlining how the country’s Request can be approached most effectively.
The Global Shield Secretariat will then facilitate a consensus-based decision within the GS Financing Structure on whether and what type of further support by the Financing Structure is needed, and by which Financing Vehicles(s) within the Financing Structure this can best be delivered. The country will then submit the final request for CDRFI support to the respective Financing Vehicles(s) to develop a tailored CDRFI package and mobilise financial and technical resources to deliver and implement the needed support.
In-Country Process

Request for CDRFI Support
Following the In-Country Process, after a Request has been submitted to the GSSP, the GSSP will undertake a comprehensive assessment and will structure a modular support packages along three components.
GSSP will adhere to the principles of subsidiarity and additionality across all three components.
GSSP may support capacity building activities and trainings by sponsoring the participation in special CDRFI trainings and by organising workshops and trainings on CDRFI in Global Shield partner countries.
In addition, GSSP may support the establishment, improvement and accessibility of open-access climate databases or platforms to address identified climate and disaster risk modelling and data gaps.
Global Shield partner countries are supported for the development of specific CDRFI solutions addressing needs identified in the CDRFI Request as an outcome of the In-Country Process. Concept and solutions development support under Component 2 may be granted for the development of risk transfer products; e.g., insurance, contingent credit, contingency funds, forecast-based finance, catastrophe bonds, and pre-arranged finance; e.g., national disaster risk funds. The support also includes developing the design features of payout mechanisms.
Implementation support may be granted, a.o., for the implementation of CDRFI instruments including grants for premium support, resilient debt instruments, capitalisation of contingency funds; establishment and improvement of delivery mechanisms e.g., payout mechanisms; brokerage fees; set-up costs of disaster risk funds; advisory services. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
More information on eligible support and the application process can be found here.
Implementing Partners
Set up as a financing platform the GSSP offers partner countries access to a wide spectrum of CDRFI implementing partners across all elements of eligible GSSP support.
Eligible partners for CDRFI implementation under all Components are academia, private and public sector entities, NGOs, humanitarian actors, and other CDRFI programmes and initiatives.
Public Calls for Proposals will be launched on the GSSP website.
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Our Team
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Annette Detken
Head of GSSPKarsten Loeffler
Co-Head of GSSPDonec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam
Salena Smith
CEO & Founder
Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam
Salena Smith
CEO & Founder
Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam