The GSSP aims to foster the development and use of CDRFI solutions for vulnerable people in developing countries.
To reach its objectives, the GSSP will provide support via financial grants and advice along two support mechanisms: country support packages, and global and regional programmes where these bear the potential to improve the cross-country CDRFI architecture and enable delivery at the country level in an innovative, efficient and effective manner.
Financing Activities
The GSSP aims to foster the development and use of Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) solutions for vulnerable people in developing countries.
To reach its objectives, the GSSP will provide support via financial grants and advice along two support mechanisms: country support packages, and global and regional programmes where these bear the potential to improve the cross-country CDRFI architecture and enable delivery at the country level in an innovative, efficient and effective manner.
Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI)
is an integral component of a comprehensive disaster risk management approach. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of disaster events, posing a significant risk to global economies. In this context, important financial innovations to address climate-related risks and disasters have emerged to address this challenge. CDRFI refers to financial instruments and strategies that improve financial preparedness, response and recovery. It aims to protect the lives, livelihoods, infrastructure and finance of vulnerable people, thus strengthening resilient economic development.
Our Team
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Annette Detken
Head of GSSPKarsten Loeffler
Co-Head of GSSPDonec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam
Salena Smith
CEO & Founder
Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam
Salena Smith
CEO & Founder
Donec ac quam non elit hendrerit placerat. a est id diam convallis. Etiam non quam sit amet odio phartra lacinia. enim, ornare ac imperdiet hendrerit placerat Ut enim ad minim veniam